Jon Geldart

Jon Geldart
Aim high!

Friday, 23 January 2009

OUT perform

Following on from my speaking engagement before Christmas I am again out and about on Monday next week speaking to the business development and marketing communications team at one of the larger of the top 'Magic Circle' law firms in London.

I will, once again, be drawing the parallels between extreme environment experiences and the 'real' world of business. There are so many similarities it is difficult to know where to start! However, I will be covering a variety of areas, illustrating them with photography not only from the Arctic but also from my more recent exploits.

The issues of team selection, training, goal focus and taking responsibility for your actions will be top of the list. So too will be the simple fact that most accidents do not happen on the way out the Pole or the summit but on the way back. this is when it is tempting to relax, lose concentration and think it is all over. For so many explorers and climbers throughout history it then is!

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