Jon Geldart

Jon Geldart
Aim high!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Kinder Scout

Yesterday was another day on the hills, this time on Kinder Law with Sean, friend who has recently moved his family to the idyll of the Peak District. 

The day was extremely mixed starting bright and clear with the walk out along Kinder Reservoir a delight. On the tops the weather changed and the mist rolled in though not before we were treated to one of the Peak District's famous phenomena as the Westerly wind blew Kinder Downfall waterfall back on itself. Having walked along past Kinder law in a total white out the cloud cleared long enough to get a magnificent view down over Kinder reservoir again before we descended back to Hayfield village. The wind was cutting on the top and there was still remains of the snow still clinging to patches of exposed areas around the tops. 

A great day out and a first for us both making it a well deserved pint in the pub later!

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