Jon Geldart

Jon Geldart
Aim high!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Mountain Leader qualified!

Last week was spent in the very wet hills and mountains of Snowdonia on a five (5) day assessment for the next level of my Mountain Leadership qualifications. I am delighted to report that I passed and am now, in addition to my Walking Group leader qualification, a fully qualified Mountain leader! 

Plas Y Brenin is the National Mountain centre and they conduct the assessment under pretty rigorous conditions on a gruelling, almost 24 hour, basis. To cap the pressure of being watched and examined all the time we had torrential rain and almost nil visibility on the night navigation exercise! 

With 6 candidates, all of a high standard, split into two teams of 3, it was very unusual for the assessment at Plas Y Brenin, but we all passed! 

I am now looking forward to running an three day OutPerform event for a UK sports retailer next month for 16 of their managers. I only hope the weather improves!

1 comment:

cleverdogmatt said...

Well done Jon - I hope you managed to have fun as well on teh assessment! Matt