Jon Geldart

Jon Geldart
Aim high!

Monday, 20 September 2010

Outperform - Sweatshop leadership course - Wales

Last week I was out in the Welsh hills again taking a group of managers from the retail chain Sweatshop for a leadership development course in Mid Wales. The team experienced the joys of creating their own shelter in the wilderness and then sleeping rough under the stars. We covered around 18km of wilderness over the two days up and down some pretty taxing terrain. Each person had the opportunity to learn new skills and consider the tools and techniques of navigating and wilderness crafts in the somewhat varied weather of the region to the East of Aberystwyth.

Apart from ensuring that every team member was equipped to survive the rigours of the Welsh weather I was working with them to assess their Agility, Leadership, Responsibility and Communication skills on the hill. It was a great experience and the feedback was excellent.

This is the second year the UK retailer has taken a course with me and I am hopeful that others will follow.

1 comment:

cleverdogmatt said...

from Island Peak to Plynlimon; snowy peaks to soggy bottoms. Hope all is well with you, if you're in Devon call in for tea. Matt