Jon Geldart

Jon Geldart
Aim high!

Saturday 28 August 2010

Helicopter transfer to the mountains tomorrow

We had a very frustrating wait at KMD airport for our flight to Lukla this morning. After a very early start getting up at 03.45 we were finally told that all flights for today to Lukla were cancelled but not until 11.30am! By this time we had formulated several plans for alternative schedules depending on the weather for tomorrow. We really have to leave for the mountains tomorrow but the weather forecast is poor for aircraft. We have now hired a helicopter which gives us a much better chance of getting to Lukla due to the ability to grab a clear weather window. We now have a flight ready for us in a 5 seater helicopter with local pilots which will allow the 4 of us as well as all our kit to take off and land safely. In true British style and resourcefulness we have overcome the problem and are really looking forward to a sensible and timely start tomorrow.

After something of a frenetic day yesterday we were actually a little relieved not to get out today as no one really had a decent night last night having managed to get all of the Everest Base Camp expedition sorted with flights out today.

Our expedition will be 12 days of trekking which will, all being well, include the ascent of Island Peak at 6189m and we are all looking forward to the off!

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